Pekka Hannikainen

Pekka Juhani Hannikainen (December 9, 1854, Nurmes, Finland – September 13, 1924, Helsinki) was a Finnish musical composer and the head of a famous Finnish musical family.

Hannikainen was the first conductor of the Finnish students' choir, the Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, in 1882–1885. From 1887–1891, he was the editor of the first Finnish musical paper, Säveleitä. He was a composer of songs and choruses, and lived at Helsinki.

He was the father of the pianist Ilmari Hannikainen (b. 1893), the composer Väinö Hannikainen, and the cellist Tauno Hannikainen (b. 1896).


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